India is a star among emerging markets. Decades ago, the country began competing globally by leveraging a relatively well-educated, English speaking labor force to offer services to the world economy rather than the inexpensive manufacturing labor and agricultural products provided by other emerging economies.
India is now the 7th largest economy in the world with distinct competitive advantages. We anticipate this story will become a perennial opportunity spanning decades, as the world’s youngest population combines with the world’s largest democracy to drive growth.
We believe the Indian markets are inefficient, lacking analyst coverage and impacted by economic, political and cultural drivers that aren’t widely understood; as a result, we crafted a top-down approach that incorporates macroeconomic trends with quantitative stock selection in an effort to generate alpha by allocating to those stocks we believe most likely to outperform given the current stage of the business cycle and actively adjusting portfolio risk levels.
KBK Capital Management is registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and The Securities Exchange Board of India. The firm is majority owned by women.
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