Eaton Vance
February 17, 2022
Eaton Vance provides advanced investing to forward-thinking investors, applying discipline and long-term perspective to the management of client portfolios.

China Property: Evergrande May Just Be the Canary in the Coal Mine

By: Akbar Causer & Kyle Lee, CFA 

Article published on: February 10, 2022

Boston  - What seemed like an isolated credit event for Evergrande has now sent shockwaves across China's real estate economy. We think international investors should keep a close eye for potential risks of contagion stemming from the Chinese housing sector to global financial markets.

Intended and Unintended Consequences

Even before the crisis, President Xi's hawkish remark in 2017 that "housing is for living, not for speculation" made sense. China's property sector is massive, even for a country of 1.4 billion people, and was responsible for a significant share of the country's GDP compared to most other economies. China has an estimated 500 million households and annual housing sales amounting to 1.5 billion square meters.

However, we believe these statistics greatly exceed the underlying housing demand by approximately 30%. A combination of easy credit and stable home prices, and a lack of investment alternatives elsewhere, led to years of excess housing demand beyond annual household formation.

Onshore banks were the first to answer Beijing's call. Major policy banks began reducing real estate exposure, tightening mortgage availability and increasing borrowing costs, particularly for buyers with existing homes. Every rung of the government from the Ministry of Finance to local municipalities followed suit: Down payment requirements for new purchases went up, and new property taxes would make it financially onerous to own property. The government's intent was clear.

China implemented the  Three Red Lines  policy in 2020, giving regulators and investors a fresh set of tools to rank developers by credit quality. Although Evergrande had a reputation for the liberal use of its balance sheet, its total liabilities were seldom scrutinized by the outside world. With the Three Red Lines, Evergrande's liabilities became a conspicuous concern for regulators, creditors and homebuyers.

As news broke that Evergrande was not delivering homes and not paying suppliers on time, the real estate sector took an abrupt turn in the second half of 2021, despite record presales in the first half. It did not take long for investors and homebuyers to point out other developers that, like Evergrande, failed or barely passed the Three Red Lines test. The slowdown in presales from weak demand put financial stress at the project level, which led to a negative spiral of ratings downgrades and a sell-off in bond prices. The property sector faced a classic liquidity crunch.

According to the most recent data, presales for the top 200 developers were down 40% year-over-year in January. Could this be the bottom? Or will this be the new norm as originally intended by the policymakers?

Policy U-Turn for 2022

In fall 2022, the Communist Party National Congress will elect new leaders for the country, including the president. With President Xi now legally eligible for reelection, there is every incentive to fend off an economic downturn this year.

Since last December, we have seen a coordinated effort by Beijing to reflate the housing sector: The central bank cut the benchmark interest rate for mortgage originations, bank regulators made it easier for developers to obtain loans for M&A, and the housing ministry allowed developers to access presale deposits held in escrow accounts to unleash liquidity. At the municipal level, local governments began supervising project completions and M&A to guarantee final delivery to homebuyers. The macro stars have lined up for the sector to rebound.

Challenges (and Opportunities) Ahead

What seemed like an isolated credit event for Evergrande has now sent shockwaves across the Chinese real estate economy. Within a span of six months, developers, policymakers and homebuyers have pivoted from the best of times to facing the greatest challenge of their lifetimes. International investors should keep a close eye for potential risks of contagion stemming from the Chinese housing sector to global financial markets.

Global investors are still treading carefully, as evinced by the pervasive stress in the credit markets today. A complex web of implicit (and hidden) liabilities onshore make it difficult for offshore investors to estimate a reasonable recovery value for distressed developers. Evergrande's restructuring case has so far confirmed that offshore creditors are indeed structurally subordinated to onshore stakeholders as they await for instructions from the onshore credit committee.

At this stage, it seems to us that there will be a large number of defaults in the sector in addition to the few large developers that have already defaulted. Most of these defaults will likely result in distressed exchange offers, and investors will subsequently have a large universe of exchanged bonds to choose from when deciding where to invest.

Bottom line:  We strive, as always, to search for mispriced securities in every corner of our investable universe. China property is no exception. We are leveraging our research and network to build a better mosaic as the situation evolves. As investors with a longer-term investment horizon, we are looking at the directional change for the Chinese property sector, and we are beginning to discover value beyond today's headlines.


The value of investments may increase or decrease in response to economic and financial events (whether real, expected or perceived) in the U.S. and global markets. Investments in foreign instruments or currencies can involve greater risk and volatility than U.S. investments because of adverse market, economic, political, regulatory, geopolitical, currency exchange rates or other conditions. Investments in debt instruments may be affected by changes in the creditworthiness of the issuer and are subject to the risk of nonpayment of principal and interest. The value of income securities also may decline because of real or perceived concerns about the issuer's ability to make principal and interest payments. As interest rates rise, the value of certain income investments is likely to decline.

2/16/22, 1
1:29 AM
Advisory Blog | China Property: Evergrande May Just Be the Canary in the Coal Mine | Eaton V
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China Property: Evergrande May Just Be the Canary in the Coal Mine
Akbar Causer
Kyle Lee, CF
February 10, 2022
- What seemed like an isolated credit event for Evergrande has now sent shockwaves across China's real estate economy
We think international investors should keep a close eye for potential risks of contagion stemming from the Chinese housing sector to
global financial markets.
Intended and Unintended Consequences
Even before the crisis, President Xi's hawkish remark in 2017 that "housing is for living, not for speculation" made sense. China's
property sector is massive, even for a country of 1.4 billion people, and was responsible for a significant share of the country's GDP
compared to most other economies. China has an estimated 500 million households and annual housing sales amounting to 1.5 billion
square meters.
, we believe these statistics greatly exceed the underlying housing demand by approximately 30%. A combination of easy
credit and stable home prices, and a lack of investment alternatives elsewhere, led to years of excess housing demand beyond annual
household formation.
Onshore banks were the first to answer Beijing's call. Major policy banks began reducing real estate exposure, tightening mortgage
availability and increasing borrowing costs, particularly for buyers with existing homes. Every rung of the government from the Ministry
of Finance to local municipalities followed suit: Down payment requirements for new purchases went up, and new property taxes would
make it financially onerous to own property
. The government's intent was clear
China implemented the
Three Red Lines
policy in 2020, giving regulators and investors a fresh set of tools to rank developers by credit
. Although Evergrande had a reputation for the liberal use of its balance sheet, its total liabilities were seldom scrutinized by the
outside world. With the Three Red Lines, Evergrande's liabilities became a conspicuous concern for regulators, creditors and
2/16/22, 1
1:29 AM
Advisory Blog | China Property: Evergrande May Just Be the Canary in the Coal Mine | Eaton V
As news broke that Evergrande was not delivering homes and not paying suppliers on time, the real estate sector took an abrupt turn
in the second half of 2021, despite record presales in the first half. It did not take long for investors and homebuyers to point out other
developers that, like Evergrande, failed or barely passed the Three Red Lines test. The slowdown in presales from weak demand put
financial stress at the project level, which led to a negative spiral of ratings downgrades and a sell-of
f in bond prices. The property
sector faced a classic liquidity crunch.
According to the most recent data, presales for the top 200 developers were down 40% year-over-year in January
. Could this be the
bottom? Or will this be the new norm as originally intended by the policymakers?
Policy U-T
urn for 2022
In fall 2022, the Communist Party National Congress will elect new leaders for the country
, including the president. With President Xi
now legally eligible for reelection, there is every incentive to fend of
f an economic downturn this year
Since last December
, we have seen a coordinated ef
fort by Beijing to reflate the housing sector: The central bank cut the benchmark
interest rate for mortgage originations, bank regulators made it easier for developers to obtain loans for M&A, and the housing ministry
allowed developers to access presale deposits held in escrow accounts to unleash liquidity
. At the municipal level, local governments
began supervising project completions and M&A to guarantee final delivery to homebuyers. The macro stars have lined up for the
sector to rebound.
Challenges (and Opportunities) Ahead
What seemed like an isolated credit event for Evergrande has now sent shockwaves across the Chinese real estate economy
. Within a
span of six months, developers, policymakers and homebuyers have pivoted from the best of times to facing the greatest challenge of
their lifetimes. International investors should keep a close eye for potential risks of contagion stemming from the Chinese housing
sector to global financial markets.
Global investors are still treading carefully
, as evinced by the pervasive stress in the credit markets today
. A complex web of implicit
(and hidden) liabilities onshore make it dif
ficult for of
fshore investors to estimate a reasonable recovery value for distressed
developers. Evergrande's restructuring case has so far confirmed that of
fshore creditors are indeed structurally subordinated to
onshore stakeholders as they await for instructions from the onshore credit committee.
At this stage, it seems to us that there will be a large number of defaults in the sector in addition to the few large developers that have
already defaulted. Most of these defaults will likely result in distressed exchange of
fers, and investors will subsequently have a large
universe of exchanged bonds to choose from when deciding where to invest.
Bottom line:
We strive, as always, to search for mispriced securities in every corner of our investable universe. China property is no
exception. W
e are leveraging our research and network to build a better mosaic as the situation evolves. As investors with a longer-
term investment horizon, we are looking at the directional change for the Chinese property sector
, and we are beginning to discover
value beyond today's headlines.
The value of investments may increase or decrease in response to economic and financial events (whether real, expected or
perceived) in the U.S. and global markets. Investments in foreign instruments or currencies can involve greater risk and volatility than
U.S. investments because of adverse market, economic, political, regulatory
, geopolitical, currency exchange rates or other conditions.
Investments in debt instruments may be affected by changes in the creditworthiness of the issuer and are subject to the risk of
nonpayment of principal and interest. The value of income securities also may decline because of real or perceived concerns about the
issuer's ability to make principal and interest payments. As interest rates rise, the value of certain income investments is likely to
Akbar Causer
Portfolio Manager
Emerging Markets T
Eaton V
ance Management
Kyle Lee, CF
Portfolio Manager
Emerging Markets T
Eaton V
ance Management
2/16/22, 1
1:29 AM
Advisory Blog | China Property: Evergrande May Just Be the Canary in the Coal Mine | Eaton V
"We strive, as always, to search for mispriced securities in every corner of our investable universe. China property is no
exception. W
e are leveraging our research and network to build a better mosaic as the situation evolves."
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, February 10, 2022 12:00 AM
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