MOTR Capital Management & Research, Inc.
September 12, 2024
MOTR Capital Management provides actionable, unbiased and systematic research based on the most important market trends.

Five Forces That Drive Bull & Bear Markets

Bull and bear markets are driven by many different fundamental forces, most of which we aren’t even aware of until the cycle is well underway. It is also often the case that one bull market might be driven by a particular set of fundamental conditions, but those very same conditions get ignored in the next bull cycle. What’s worse is how, for instance, a strong dollar is good for stocks in some years but bad for stocks in others.

To address this ever changing aspect of fundamental drivers, we have developed a systematic research process that is based on five inputs, or Five Forces, that must necessarily be present during every bull and bear market. Click on the banner below to learn more about these Five Forces, and how you can incorporate them into your investment process immediately.

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