FTJ FundChoice
November 13, 2019
Helping advisors build growing advisory practices through one, simplified investment platform.

What It Means to Be an Elite Advisor

What does the word “elite” mean to you? Perhaps you see images of great athletes—superstars like LeBron James, Tom Brady, or maybe an Olympic gold medalist devoting herself day and night to improving and dominating in her sport.

Maybe you think of titans of industry—legends like Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie, constantly setting and raising the bar of success to seemingly incomprehensible levels.

Whatever your definition, the truly elite have one thing in common: a relentless drive to reach the summit of their chosen field—and when they finally hit that pinnacle—to push for even greater heights of achievement.

At Orion Portfolio Solutions, we believe in aligning ourselves with advisors who are truly committed to success. That’s why we created the Elite Advisor Program , a new initiative to recognize, award, and support our top advisors.

Don’t Miss Out – Become an Elite Advisor

Advisors who have spent years working to grow their business discover that success itself comes with a unique set of challenges. The Elite Advisor Program exists to provide you with additional information, tools, and resources to help overcome those hurdles and continue on an upward trajectory.

To be included in the program, advisors must have $25 million in assets under management and $1 million in annual net production on our platform. These qualifications ensure the Elite Advisor Program is comprised of top tier firms that will make the most out of the program’s exclusive benefits. 

What are the Benefits of the Elite Advisor Program?

The Elite Advisor Program provides members with enhanced service support, exclusive access to Orion Portfolio Solutions executives, additional networking opportunities, and more. We believe the package of benefits proves our deep appreciation for Elite Advisors and will inspire our advisors to strive for new levels of success.

Program benefits:

  • Service needs prioritized by a dedicated Orion Portfolio Solutions customer service representative.
  • An invitation to the Orion Portfolio Solutions Elite Advisor Conference, held in conjunction with Ascent 2020, with paid airfare and hotel accommodations (August, 2020).
  • Unlimited access to Orion’s Financial Planning Platform and the Orion Portfolio Solutions Financial Planning team.
  • Quarterly calls with the Orion Portfolio Solutions executive team who will share recent developments and solicit your feedback.
  • Access Orion’s Report Builder tool to create custom statements for your clients. 
  • Inclusion in Q4 2019 Growth Initiatives with TD Ameritrade with termination fee reimbursed on accounts transferring into Orion Portfolio Solutions ($150/ max per account).
  • TD Ameritrade-enhanced processing/paperwork review and the ability to request quarterly trend reporting.

What’s Next?

The Elite Advisor Program is scheduled to launch Jan. 1, 2020. We’re looking forward to this new level of partnership, and we hope that next time you hear the word “elite”, you envision a future filled with success for your own business—and know that Orion Portfolio Solutions has your back.

If you have any additional questions about the Elite Advisor Program, contact the Orion Portfolio Solutions Regional Sales Team at 800-379-2513, option 3, or email them directly .


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