July 25, 2019
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#TBT Getting Tactical: 3 Key Lead Generation Tactics for Financial Advisors

In the ‘post-digital age,’ financial advisors can no longer rely on traditional ways of finding and landing new clients. Where outbound methods of lead generation like cold calling, direct mail, calling cards, and print ads were once the norm, we’re now seeing the emergence of inbound methodologies across the profession. Changes in investor behaviors, technology improvements, and big data have all contributed to the pivot to inbound methodologies to generate new business. And while this may feel like a monumental shift in the way you do business, never fear. We’re here to help explain what lead generation looks like in the post-digital age.

The journey to becoming a lead

I’m not going to start by explaining what a lead is as it's likely you already know. Instead, let's begin with some substance -- how do you generate inbound leads? Where once you did everything in the physical world, you now find prospective clients online. A potential lead finds you online and enters your site in any number of ways. They are then either transferred through a CTA or via the host website navigation to a landing page with an offer in exchange for the user's details. The offer can be any of a variety of content types,  ranging from an ebook or whitepaper to a case study, infographic or contact form --, all created to provide value to the end user. If the user feels the value is of significance, they’ll input their details into a form to access the offer. And there you go -- a lead is generated. It's a very methodical system that (if followed consistently) can yield great results.

But for all this to work, you have to create great content to entice that user into becoming a lead. After all, content marketing isn’t just another piece in the puzzle but the glue that holds all the pieces together. But how do you create this content and put it out there for prospects to find?

Getting tactical

Here comes the heavy lifting -- and where  Harvest can help.  Inbound marketing tactics are a BIG deal for financial advisors.  In short, a marketing tactic is a method of reaching prospective leads and enticing them to your offer. Across inbound marketing, there are numerous marketing tactics to pick from, and while a robust marketing strategy will leverage virtually all of them, let me deep dive into the most important -- and easiest to implement.  


1) Blogging:

Blogging is a great way to use short-form content to get your insights, strategy, and values as a financial advisor out to potential investors. Short articles on a particular topic (think 500-1000 words) can help potential customers understand why they should use your services over the competition. These articles should focus on providing useful information in an easily digestible format -- something easily read, used and shared will enhance your relevance and your reach. Think about it -- the more useful it is, the more likely it will be shared on social media or found by a potential investor.

The easiest way to begin blogging is to set a realistic target goal -- most people start small, perhaps with two blog posts a month or one per week. Focus on topics that you know, can easily write about, and are most relevant for your target audience. Then, share it with your existing customers. Don’t publish gold where no one can see it! Make sure people you already work-with view   it; organic traffic will grow from there.

Lastly, don’t give up. It takes a while to grow a following. Consistency is key, so set a rhythm and stick to it.

2) Social Media:

These days, everyone has a social media account, so use your online presence across key social channels such as LinkedIn (and  hvst.com  ) to reach prospective and current customers. Whether paid or unpaid, targeted promotion of your content (such as the content from your blog) can help grow your reach and your influence. Become a resource for your followers by sharing useful resources, your own and from third parties such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times or Harvest. Create a social profile that cements your mission and value proposition as an advisor. Show your business personality online, and stay engaged with clients and prospects in a meaningful way that increases trust and encourages ongoing interaction.

3) Email marketing:

My personal favorite tactic is email marketing, which uses automated emails to engage with potential leads and existing clients. In combination with the above tactics, it can enhance any marketing program. Imagine you write a great blog post and publish it online. Now imagine writing a personalized email sharing it with everyone in your customer database -- all 1500 of them. That’s just not realistic.

With email marketing, you can use client data you already have to send a mass email that feels personal -- without having to do all of the work. With some carefully crafted wording and intelligently automated personalization, email marketing can improve customer engagement and enhance your authenticity.


These three tactics are the foundation of any inbound marketing program. But one final point -- listen to the data. The post-digital age has introduced a variety of ways to capture relevant data points on your target audience. Track where your customer is coming from, what types of content interest them, and how they engage with it. Then, optimize your lead generation strategies in light of this data and adjust accordingly.

By Ahmed Rosowsky

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