Assured Capital Partners
August 04, 2019
Assured Capital Partners is a disciplined & opportunistic global investment leader with expertise in managing multi-asset class strategies utilizing both long-term & short-term investment horizons.

Constantly Evolving

Historically, investors followed very general rules of thumb in their approach to portfolio construction. As an example, in the US many investors would allocate 60% of a global portfolio to broad equities and 40% to investment grade bonds. This was an approach that worked for many investors, for many years. Now that same portfolio allocation is no longer expected to deliver nearly the same return as it did in the past. Today, the traditional investing frameworks are insufficient to meet the needs of most investors, whether individuals saving for retirement, retirees desiring to stretch their savings, or pension funds seeking to close their asset-liability gaps. Clients today are increasingly uncertain about the best methods to optimize their returns.

As a result, clients want asset managers who have a better understanding of shifting market forces and unique market constraints. They want an asset manager that can protect capital while maximizing returns. Although markets may be ever-changing, this is an ethos that Assured Capital Partners has and will always hold dear.

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