Aviva Investors is a global asset manager with expertise in real estate, fixed income, equity, multi-asset and alternative investments. Our investment intelligence spans major markets, where we currently invest over £391bn ($440bn USD, as at 30 June 2019) on behalf of our customers. This gives us the size and scale to successfully seek out opportunities to deliver specific investor outcomes.
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Past performance does not guarantee or indicate future results. Any investment involves a degree of risk, including the risk of total loss. No chart, graph, or formula can by itself determine which securities an investor should buy or sell.
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The name "Aviva Investors" refers to the global organization of affiliated asset management businesses operating under the Aviva Investors name. Each Aviva Investors affiliate is a subsidiary of Aviva plc, a publicly-traded multi-national financial services company headquartered in the United Kingdom.
Aviva Investors Americas LLC is a federally registered investment advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. AIA’s Form ADV Part 2A is available upon written request to: Compliance Department, 225 West Wacker Drive, Suite 2250, Chicago, IL 60606